Flipping Out

The flip heard ‘cross the nation. Credit: Chris Young for Sportsnet.ca

“I’m choosing to repost this article in its entirety for the sake of posterity, and because it’s the best summary I’ve read of what very well could be the craziest sequence of moments in sport that I’ll ever witness. If NBC Sports ever decides to wipe its servers, I want this to be preserved so I can come back to read it whenever I want. Also, it’s a masterful example of comedy and sarcasm in writing.

Joe Posnanski: The craziest, silliest, weirdest, wildest, angriest, dumbest and funniest inning in the history of baseball began with a single by a guy named Rougned Odor.

Continue reading “Flipping Out”

2014 Sandy Boville Invitational


Got tagged in by SBC Skier to head to Mount St Louis Moonstone to cover the 2nd Annual Sandy Boville Invitational. It was the first event I’ve shot this winter, it was cold (for the end of March at least), and it was cloudy, so I tried to moving around to get as many angles as possible. Continue reading “2014 Sandy Boville Invitational”

Everybody’s Workin’ for the Weekend


After 11 years of experiencing the Empire Shakedown – long since known as the Ride Shakedown – through the eyes of other writers and videographers, I finally got the chance to make the trip and witness the event first hand just a few weeks ago. Continue reading “Everybody’s Workin’ for the Weekend”

‘I’ Before ‘E’, Except After CSS

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I’ve been working with WordPress blogs for more than five years now, but it was just recently that I got the chance to dig into the meat of the program.  Continue reading “‘I’ Before ‘E’, Except After CSS”

Why So Blue?

Back in high school, whenever I saw someone wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans I’d walk up to them and ask, “why so blue?” A simple answer of, “because this is what I pulled out of my closet,” would have sufficed, but, more often than not, they’d stand there looking confused as they tried to figure out why I had just guessed how they were feeling.

That’s a pretty strange and irrelevant intro for this post, especially considering the fact that I was not at all upset to see that our videographer had sifted through the scraps and put together this blooper reel of all our mistakes from shooting Blue Mountain’s weekly video series over the past year.

Flexing Your Web Muscle


It never fails. Every time I work on an article, I always end up with extra quotes and content that never sees the light of day. Lisa Richardson and Rory Tucker from Origin Design & Communications helped me out with a recent article for SBC Business on simple search engine optimization, and, as expected, they had a ton of great advice to share. Continue reading “Flexing Your Web Muscle”

SBC Business – Five & Dime 2012

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Five years ago, Alex Lessard and Lance Rowbotham organized the first edition of the Five & Dime Lifestyle Tradeshow. I met Alex right around that time, and I’ve seen Lance and him build the show into an event that Ontario’s skate and snow industry looks forward to every year. Continue reading “SBC Business – Five & Dime 2012”

Facebook Pages – The ROOTS


I’m glad I don’t have to keep track of the amount of time I spend on Facebook for work. If I did, I’d probably be pretty depressed about the vast number of hours I spend staring at a computer screen. However, all this work has introduced me to a couple of nifty tools for sprucing up Facebook Pages. At the moment, Shortstack is my go-to application combining a nice blend of features and usability. Here are a few screenshots of the page I’ve been building for The ROOTS Wakeboard Wakeskate Amateur Series.

Continue reading “Facebook Pages – The ROOTS”